Monday, 09.09.


AWARE. Glimpses of Consciousness

Movie night at the Cinematograph

The film is an exciting search for the origin and essence of consciousness:
Aware brings six passionate consciousness researchers into a dialog with each other:
the famous brain researcher Christof Koch, the Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard, the psychedelics researcher Roland Griffiths, the plant researcher Monica Gagliano, and the Mayan healer Josefa Kirvin Kulix. considered the greatest mystery of the universe, approach it from radically different perspectives.

Reservations and ticket sales:
Cinematograph Innsbruck
Museumstraße 31
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 90

Tuesday, 10.09.

09:00 – 13:00

creative barcamp "FÖ N Edition"

Association BarCamp.Tirol

The Tyrolean barcamp on topics related to creativity and sustainability. Perfect as a warm-up to the FÖ N Summit, the Barcamp offers you the unique opportunity for a collective learning experience. This event is anything but an ordinary conference, as it brings together creative minds from a wide range of disciplines to exchange ideas in an open, dynamic format. At the Barcamp, the participants – who also act as speakers – organize exciting sessions on a wide range of topics. From classic presentations, workshops, informal discussion rounds, pitches and Pecha Kucha to demonstrations of new technologies, everything is possible.

12:30 – 14:00

Creative Lunch

A table talk
WEI SRAUM. Designforum Tyrol

Good conversations over lunch – that has always worked. WEI SRAUM is trying out this format for the first time in Innsbruck in the run-up to the FÖ HN festival and has sought advice from its colleagues at CampusVäre Dornbirn. Between the courses, which are prepared by local chefs or cooking collectives, there are short inputs from interesting people and questions that stimulate conversation with the people sitting next to you. What is it all about? About what we want to change as creative professionals, what the big issues and tempting challenges are in Tyrol and perhaps also how we can become happy beyond growth? A curated lunch as a prelude to the FÖ N inputs at the weekend.

Die Bäckerei – Kulturbackstube
Dreiheiligenstraße 21a
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 25


Day of the Tyrolean film and music industry

WK Tirol, Photography group / Die Bäckerei

In addition to exciting presentations and discussions on current topics from the world of film and music, there will also be a musical finale as usual. The personal exchange between colleagues is also very important. An event organized by the WK Fachvertretung Film- u. Musikwirtschaft Tirol.

WEI SRAUM. Designforum Tirol
Andreas-Hofer-Straße 27
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 100

18:00 – 19:30

Generating AI images - good idea or unpleasant surprise?

A visually stunning talk by Uli Staiger
WK Tirol, Photography group

Today, images and videos can be produced with a short descriptive text at the click of a mouse. Do we need that? Or does it destroy our common idea of what we call reality?

Uli Staiger brings light into the darkness. He shows live how AI images are created, the differences between the individual checkpoint models and explains how AI can massively support us in image processing.

Wirtschaftskammer Tirol
Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 7
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 60


Fö N_24 Shorts

Kill your Darlings, Female Drive, The Creative Brain
Movie night at the Cinematograph

3 films that make creative work a very personal topic:

Kill Your Darlings follows a young German creative, Anouk Jans, around the world. She interviews industry leaders in order to gain a clearer picture of her future and that of the advertising industry. A Cannes Lions award-winning documentary.

The Female Drive series is an interview format that asks decision-makers from business, society and politics a groundbreaking question: “What drives you?” Charlotte Bufler meets inspiring women from all over the world in the back seat of her car. The answers are intended to motivate young women in particular to be courageous and take a stand.

The Creative Brain A fantastic documentary about creativity! Renowned neuroscientist David Eagleman uses the creative process of various innovators while exploring tricky and risky ways to inspire creativity.

Reservations and ticket sales:
Cinematograph Innsbruck
Museumstraße 31
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 90

Wednesday, 11.09.

10:00 – 16:00

Generative image retouching

Live workshop on the AI tools of Photoshop
WK Tirol, Photography group

Talking about AI is important and right. But as we speak, the new technology is already establishing itself in commercial applications such as Adobe Photoshop.
In this workshop by Uli Staiger, you will learn about Photoshop’s current AI tools and how to use them effectively and creatively: Mastering tricky clipping, replacing backgrounds, AI retouching in seconds, beauty retouching, generating creative images with partial transparency, and much more. All project files are provided. The only two requirements are a sound basic knowledge of Photoshop and your own computer/laptop with the latest version of Adobe Photoshop.

Wirtschaftskammer Tirol
Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 7
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 20

16:00 – 19:00

Transformational fieldwork. How can a sustainable cultural offering be designed in a rural context?

Talk, workshop and discussion
TKI - Tyrolean Cultural Initiatives & Polylog Association

While much has been written about the impact of participatory arts on people in urban spaces, in this event we focus on rural contexts – often places with little contemporary arts and culture on offer. Producer, cultural activist and traveling curator Claudia Zeiske has a wealth of experience with participatory art that connects local activities with global realities from her work at Deveron Projects in Huntly in rural northern Scotland. The public space becomes the “venue” rather than a gallery or art center. In her work, Claudia Zeiske explores the question of how the art offer in rural environments can be sustainably built and structured through fieldwork that resembles anthropological methods. Her transformational fieldwork approach is a form of cultural management that combines social engagement with research methods of long-term participatory observation. Drawing on her experiences in Deveron Projects, we discuss how cultural engagement in rural spaces can be shaped through a combination of long-term commitment to a community, to a place, and effective cultural management.

Polylog – Galerie am Stadtplatz Wörgl
Josef-Speckbacher-Straße 17,
6300 Wörgl

Number of participants: max. 25

17:00 – 20:00

Focus on intermediate use: How temporary projects transform cities

Discussion and workshop
die BALE

This panel discussion followed by a workshop will bring together leading experts to provide exciting insights into temporary use projects. It will show how temporarily unused spaces can be used creatively and innovatively to enrich urban development, the community and the economy. Successful examples will be presented, the challenges of implementation highlighted and the long-term prospects of these projects discussed.

In the workshop, the participants will jointly develop visions and creative concepts for the interim use of the BALE building. The focus is on how the building can be used as a cultural meeting point and place of creative work to enrich the community and give art a space.
An inspiring event to discover how interim use projects can positively change the cityscape and the community.

die BALE
Bachlechnerstraße 46
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 60

17:00 – 21:00

The art of unveiling.

An evening behind the scenes at the Tyrolean State Theatre
Tyrolean State Theatre

On September 11, 2024, we cordially invite you to experience the Tiroler Landestheater from a new perspective. Starting at 5 p.m., we will guide you through the entire building, provide insights into hidden corners such as the side stage and the Malersaal and tell you about the world behind the scenes. – After the tour, we will go straight to the main rehearsal of the production Verlangen in the Great House. Experience the creative process up close as the directing team and colleagues from the various departments put the finishing touches to the production

Tyrolean State Theatre
Rennweg 2
6020 Innsbruck

Meeting point: 17:00 at the stage entrance
5 p.m.: Start of the guided tour with co-director Elisabeth
6 pm: Visit to the main rehearsal of the production Verlangen
Play by Lisa Wentz; Director: Cilli Drexel; Stage: Vibeke Andersen; Costumes: Janine Werthmann; Dramaturgy: Diana Merkel

Number of participants: max. 20


Radical. A class of its own

Movie night at the Cinematograph

Radical – A Class of Its Own… is an inspiring American feature film by Christopher Zalla from 2023. The drama tells the story of a teacher who teaches at a Mexican elementary school in a problem neighborhood.

Reservations and ticket sales:
Cinematograph Innsbruck
Museumstraße 31
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 90

Donnerstag, 12.09.

09:00 – 12:00

Deep dive in the Collection and Research Center in Hall.

An insight into the collections of the Tyrolean State Museums.
Tyrolean State Museums

Creative architecture and millions of objects. The depots, in which several million objects from the arts, culture and natural sciences are stored, cover an area of 8000 m2. This makes the Collection and Research Center (SFZ) of the Tyrolean State Museums one of the largest regional collections in Austria. Not normally open to the public!

Collection and Research Center
of the Tyrolean State Museums
Krajnc-Straße 1
6060 Hall

Number of participants: max. 20

09:00 – 17:00

School of ideas.

We invite you to the Pilot Day.
School of ideas, die BALE

THE SCHOOL OF IDEAS will be THE creativity-promoting training for young employees, young entrepreneurs, students… in other words, for young people who are at the interface to their professional future – who want to promote their creative thinking and acting, who want to improve their problem-solving skills and who want to adapt to new requirements with pleasure and faster. The School of Ideas teaches how to use creative methods and techniques in everyday working life and how to successfully pursue goals together… how to find inspiration and new impulses and how to use them for yourself and your job. The School of Ideas is planned in 4 varied weekend blocks and at different, inspiring locations. At the end of the course, participants will have a deep understanding of their own creativity and how to apply it. They will be able to generate new ideas, find innovative solutions and initiate and develop creative processes in their life or business.

In the prologue of the Fö N Kreativfestival, we are launching a first pilot day and inviting interested parties to test a module with us: In one day. Exciting, inspiring, with talks, interactive and entertaining … and above all with creative masterminds like Sascha Friesike and Leonard Sommer.

WANTED! Curious, inquisitive, inspirational people aged 18-30!

die BALE
Bachlechnerstraße 46
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 25


VFX rebels. Visual effects for cheap ? No ! Planned and shot with brains and reason.

Mountain Film City Innsbruck / Filmbase Tyrol

A VFX – making of journey through the work of Gareth Edwards and why you should be inspired by it. To get an Oscar nomination for “The Creator” with a budget of 80 million dollars, which is small by Hollywood standards, is a remarkable achievement. This talk gives an insight into the VFX work of Gareth Edwards and his approach to the countless challenges that a tight budget brings.

Filmbase Tyrol
Hallerstraße 119a, Stiege 1 Tür 1
6020 Innsbruck

Number of participants: max. 25


12:00 – 13:30



19:30 – 22:00

Get-to-gether @ Reich für die Insel



09:00 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:45

Welcome and introduction

10:45 – 11:15


12:15 – 14:30

Lunch break


16:00 – 16:45

Stage Time/Pecha Kucha

16:45 – 17:30


17:30 – 18:15

Stage Time/Pecha Kucha

18:15 – 19:00


19:00 – 19:15



19:30 – 21:00


(Congress Innsbruck)